Who We Are!

Salutations, I go by "Chloe Bee."  I identify as human being, but also feel like I'm part frog, dolphin, bear, and bee. I love encouraging humans to bee a prismatic rainbow, to be adaptable,  be their own medicine whether aquatic or terrestrial, and be grounded in harmony with Mother Earth. With positive influence from my passion to build a healthy body, mind, and spirit & and a human right to a stable climate, I intentionally act as a catalyst for social change. My Rainbow Bliss project is housed and fused with Happy Healthy High Horny Herbs in Tempe, AZ.

I am the generator of a heart-centered community hub for the alliance of ethnobotany, artistic expression, cultural diversity, festival culture, psychedelic art, Earth-first thinking, and HERBALISM via transformative workshop facilitation presently thriving on community-expressed needs for the cultivation of plant wisdom, ecstatic dance, and meaningful ritual.

Rainbow Bliss Botanicals and Happy Healthy High Horny Herbs are two of my current projects that strive to integrate consciousness, ceremony, botanical medicine, and sacred dance through honoring the divine intelligence between people and plants. I’ve been holding down an organic apothecary sandwiched between a nightclub and a corporate bank for 9 years so that I can serve the City of Tempe, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa and beyond with herbalism “IN-YOUR-FACE!” This project to have a botanical presence on the busiest foot-trafficked location in the state of Arizona is a service to the community; a place where humans hug, where lovers meet, where dancers come to nourish, where addicts come for solutions, where local designers & creatresses come to sell, and where OUR CULTURE has a independently owned and operated place of MEDICINE and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & ACCEPTANCE. 

Fueled by cosmic ancestors, a BS in Sustainable Ecosystems and Soil Science, and undergraduate studies in Dance Media, Performance and Choreography at Arizona State University and University of Waikato, New Zealand, I believe that plants are teachers and my vision of expressive healing has evolved and is now being applied via Rainbow Bliss Botanicals

The plants I use in this company are all respectfully wild-crafted, homegrown, or certified organic. I love to host workshops that fuse botanical exploration and movement with plants-as-sacrament and movement-as-teacher.  My mother, Donna, is the mind behind the chakra kits, and together we have been crafting misters, synergies, and salves with the guide of intuitive healing. The formulas and single-herb products available on this site are made with intention, blessings, and pure love. 

The mission statement for Rainbow Bliss and Happy Healthy High Horny Herbs is: Integrating social activism, medical sovereignty, natural contraceptive awareness, vibrant aphrodisia, botanical crafting and expressive dance through the rainbow of healing plants.

I am a graduate of  EastWest Planetary Herb School with Micheal and Leseley Tierra as mentors and teachers. In 2017, I completed a Professional Planetary Herbalist course with training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Western Herbalism. Independently, I have been studying Western & Eclectic herbology since 2009, and began studies of mind-altering plants and nootropics in 2006. Woven in with a newfound passion for clinical herbalism and plant therapeutics, I currently see clients one on one for consultations and custom formulations. In between crafting, bottling, labeling, and growing plants, I teach online, at Happy Healthy High Horny Herbs in Arizona, and lead plant walks at the Surfrider Ocean Friendly Garden in Honolulu. Since relocating to Hawaii, Rainbow Bliss and HHHHH remain thriving in Arizona with Shannon from Wet Velvet Tea making many of the formulations better and better each time. Connor McDonnell has become the assistant manager at HHHHH and between them two and an amazing team, we continue to be community pillars for natural medicine in the Phoenix/Tempe area.

If you want to know more about me, where my heart is, and my products then check out these interviews:

Voyage Phoenix Interview

Kratom & its uses as Opiate Alternative

Meet our team of creators!

brenna membrila

Brenna is a Vitalist Herbalist and Authentic Birth Keeper. She has been creating relationships in her craft through understanding plants and people through a ‘whole’istic lens for over 5 years. From teaching classes, working with others through 1 on 1 consultations, crafting herbal medicines, working in herbal apothecaries, diving deeper into personal healing, and gathering a deep understanding of physiological biology, Brenna whole heartedly trusts the wisdom of the plants and humans innate biological process. 

The Vitalist tradition of herbalism honors the innate knowing that we are the microcosm of the macrocosm and works with the whole human and whole plant (mindbodyspirit). Knowing that the same energy and elements that reside in humans also are mirrored through the plants. Brenna works with you in a ‘whole’istic way in getting to the root cause.

Brenna is a sovereign mother who practices autonomy in her containers of working with plants and people along with in her own life. She loves working with women and children and focuses on helping families dig a deeper well of intuitive knowledge and trust.

As an Authentic Birth Keeper she holds integrity and authenticity in birth work working with women outside of the system. Tradition, honor, trust, acceptance and intuitive listening is a vital part of her offerings. She loves teaching, hosting events and sharing the plants wisdom alongside her partner, Connor.


Connor has spent the past 10+ years as a community herbalist and mycologist, creating lasting relationships with the plants, fungi and people. He aims to genuinely connect with those he works with and is always down to talk in depth about the plants and alternative healing methods (sometimes for hours on end haha). With a science/engineering background he sees through a more logical lens. Connor has so much love for his community and seeing others happy and well. He does his best to find healing connections between plants, fungi and people and always gives 100% in anything he is a part of. Connor puts thought and effort into his parenting, relationships and healing practice and is a gift to work with. He loves working with other fathers and families. Connors 1 on 1 consultations are focused around addiction recovery, respiratory health, depression/anxiety/mood regulation, men’s health, and viral infections. He also teaches all sorts of different educational classes alone and alongside his partner, Brenna, and he provides consultations for growing and working with mushrooms. 

Nathan servilican


Hello and greetings, my name is Nathan Servilican and I have been working with plant medicines for the last three years. My passion for herbalism is inspired by my indigenous background. As a member of the Laguna Pueblo, Washoe, Karuk and Northern Paiute tribes I recognize that plant medicines are teachers and our ancestors' "original" medicines. I infuse this knowledge to provide herbal consultations specializing in detox and nutrition. In addition to herbalism, I also work as a music therapist and currently work with special needs children, mostly on the autism spectrum. I received my training from Arizona State University where I obtained my undergraduate degree from.  That being said I also incorporate sound healing and manifestation practices for exchange. 


Community Herbalist, Reiki Practitioner, and Spiritual Intuitive Guide

As a Reiki Practitioner and Community Herbalist, I have spent the last four years on a profound journey of holistic healing. My path began with the need to heal my own physical and emotional challenges, which led me to study herbalism and become certified in Reiki. Along the way, I discovered the transformative power of subconscious reprogramming and meditation, which played a major role in rebalancing my mind, body, and spirit. I am also currently furthering my education as a Spiritual Life Coach specializing in addiction, enhancing my ability to support clients in navigating their own healing journeys.

This holistic approach naturally expanded into studying metaphysical tools such as astrology, tarot, and shadow work—essential practices that helped me connect with deeper aspects of myself. As I healed, I also became passionate about sharing what I had learned, co-founding my Self Discovery business and Apothecary.

In my practice, I believe true healing occurs when we address the root causes of imbalance. Each client has a unique energetic blueprint, and I tailor my approach to their specific needs using a blend of Reiki, herbal remedies, intuitive insights, and subconscious healing techniques like meditation.Through these practices, I help others not only heal themselves but discover parts of themselves they may have repressed, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and transformation.

During my Reiki sessions, I approach each client with patience, empathy, and deep understanding. Together, we set healing intentions, allowing for a personalized and intuitive experience. The session is then led with a hands-on approach experience. After sessions, I encourage clients to stay mindful of what arises, using journaling and presence to track the unfolding of messages or insights during the days to come.